"...that there is always a time, that's what i played with..I'd like people to focus on the things that they like to do..there's always a time...i'll be happy if they can understand that sort of idea..."
quote by satoshi ohno

Saturday, February 2, 2008

they are surely crazy!!! =p

love sho-chan and riida's reactions at the end of the program..funny!!

HILARIOUS!! riida in a caterpillar box...

here, they did the yoga..sho-chan is the one who is really tough to do this ne~


circleinsora said...

riida comei bangaaat!!!!

how can dat guy be tooooooooooo cute!!!!????

w a w a z u r a said...

[circleinspoon]haha..mmg comei tul...part corner tuh..haha..gila comeiii!!!