today's AnS really cracked me up!!!
for the first time, riida refused to try eat the food...
i called it as 'petai'..the taste is a bit bitter and since it's bitter, if u try to eat that, ur breath will turn to be smelly...that's why the guys really dont wanna try the food...poor them!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD..
lets see all the shots that i able to capture for today..enjoy!!
my sho-chan..kawaiiiiii!!!!
this is 'petai'..gomen..i dont know the name in English...xp
see the face!!! haha..it is really unacceptable yo???
haha...riida!!! what wrongs with the nose??? XDDDDDD
poor sho-chan!!!
again...sho-chan refused to try the food..hahah!!!!
even it is crappy, still my-smexy-sho-chan looked soooo kawaiiiii ne~~~
haha!!! YOU naughty!!!!
see aiba face *laugh*laugh*
ohmiya is hiding out from that stinky place...
riida..the one who lost...
finally...it is UMMMMMAAAIIII!!
riida waved for the members..
riida with those cheeks! is love
nino with those long sweater! is love
aiba with those scared face! is love
sho with smelly-breath-attack! is love
jun with his love for petai! is love
riida with cheeks - *pinch2*
nino with long sweater - suka sweater tu!!
aiba with scared face - funny
sho with smelly-breath attack - NAUGHTY
jun with love for petai - unexpectable..nnt dia dtg sini, aku bg dia mkn smbl petai mak aku..
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