"...that there is always a time, that's what i played with..I'd like people to focus on the things that they like to do..there's always a time...i'll be happy if they can understand that sort of idea..."
quote by satoshi ohno

Monday, January 28, 2008

AnS 28/01/08

yes2x..finally i managed to watch AnS live from nippon today..BUT...the quality is really2x that bad haaa....&&^$#@!!..
whatever things are...i still managed to capture screen-shots of their appearance...hv a look =)..

*sorry...im a bit lazy to edit now..so i just paste the print screen ne~~*

yay!! it's my sho-chan...yes..i know..there are sooo many sho-chan in everywhere ne~~

aya-chan...its ur nino...it is better than nothing haa...ja ja!! =p

oh riida...you looked straight to my eyes ne~~ the camera seems loves MatsuJun today ne...

jankenpo!! and riida lost...


circleinsora said...

my nino!!!*flail*

oh-chan!!!*flail for the consequence time*

nape tak dapat tgk bebetol!!!!
xpa2...tunggu org upload...

w a w a z u r a said...

sabau2...tenang2..aku still geram!!

circleinsora said...

aku dah tak pk dah ape dia cakap.
tapi yg penting, aku malas nak bukak ym aku. chetchot

w a w a z u r a said...

haha...mst kwn ko tgh gelak2 ya..
kureng jek..*annoy*