first of all, credit goes to Ladyxs for such a great info..
riida sang open arms full in english!! not bad at all..(great yay!!)
u can hear and download the songs from her page ne~~
hv fun n enjoy...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Ohno & Open Arms songs..
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
Monday, January 28, 2008
AnS 28/01/08
yay!! it's my sho-chan...yes..i know..there are sooo many sho-chan in everywhere ne~~
oh looked straight to my eyes ne~~ the camera seems loves MatsuJun today ne...
jankenpo!! and riida lost...
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
SHO & Toyota CM
i owe u guys [Ladyxs, taschiichan, pyrefly]....TQ!!!!
[Toyota San Nen Bun Kudasaaaaiiii]
sho-chan in white...*melts*faints*dying*
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
more clips ne~
ok2...there are two clips was during MatsuJun 20th birthday at 2003 summer concert i guess...hv a look pls =)..
1st clip is by nino who presented a gift for was my first time i heard nino called matsujun Jun-chan...naughty nino!!
2nd clip is by riida...where riida got kissed by Matsujun...hahah...kawaii!!!
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
hahaha...poor riida!!!
walla!!! u are soooo mean guys!!! poor riida~~ but he is still kawaii ne =p
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Arashi's earlier debut - SHO-kun point of view...
minna yay!! here is the history of arashi's earlier debut from sho-kun point of is an interesting info that i might missed before..
[click here for the full article]
and just wanna take out some qoute from the article (it was a touching one..i can feel the spirit of arashi..):
"For the longest time we tried to make Ohno open himself up to us and at least try to accept us as his group mates in Arashi. We're not a brand new subgroup, we were the real thing now, so Ohno can't really back out. We're different now than we used to be. The Arashi today is the Arashi that the 5 of us together had created and we're going to stay that way." (they are really kind-hearted ne~~)
mood: so-so (because im hungry now..=p)
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
Saturday, January 26, 2008
OMG!!! can i forgot and missed the boys in GRA today!!!!! owh...wth??
wuarghhh!!!! geram2x...cmna leh lupa??? still, i hv to patiently wait for the next episode to be aired!!! ohhhh what a @!!&#%#&...daa~~
so, if u wanna see the screenshot of TODAY's GRA...[see here]
and also, if u wanna watch nihon-tv live from Malaysia...[see here]...thanks to circleinsora for mentioning this thingy exists...haha...
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
R.E.D?? why does my page becomes RED???
ok2..sorry if this page is a bit too striking...since it is still in the mood of my mr. sho's birthday(i think it's gonna be permanently know me =p) my page will always turn out into RED ok?? no hard feeling, no offends ok??
song: arashi - kimi dake wo ometteru.mp3 (dakare tonight..lalala..)
mood: lalalala...always happy =D
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
Friday, January 25, 2008
yay!!! dedicated to my mr. super kawaii ~sakurai sho, here are some presents for u...heee..if i can celebrate and pass this to him..owh!! im gonna be the most happiest girl in this world..(if i can make it laaa..=p)..
Otanjoubi Omedeto 26th, my mr super kawaii...=)
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
new look..
juz because of sho-kun birthday is just around the've decided that my new color for this page is going to be...RED!! yay!! hehe...happy birthday mr. sakurai sho!!!
additional: TQ to my dear, faz..sbb tlg aku ngedit gmba nih..aku wat tk comei cm ko wat..hukhuk..*kisses**hugs*..muahhh =p
song: arashi - paretto
mood: yay!!
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
yay minna!!! dah lama tak update...a bit LAZY to post lately...
gomen ne~.
i'll try my best to post later!! daa~~~
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
Friday, January 11, 2008
Arashi's perfect G.I.R.L..(wanna be one???)..=)
just wanna share some with you guys...(^_~)V..but before that, thanx to denise for giving me the link..and finally i met an article in her/his page...thanx denise!!!
nino : "...However, when a girl comes over, it's such a waste to stay in my room and play my digital games, I guess I'll definitely bring her out. It's fine with me wherever she want to go, I'm satisfied with just the two of us together, so I'll try my best to go along with the girl's wishes..." (baik nya nino nih!!!..*melt*)
captain : "...So that is why when I give presents to the girl I like, I will most probably give her something I made myself..." (how romantic??!!! i will ask him to draw a caricature 4 me..)
jun : "...If she made my favourite Thai-style spicy seafood soup, I will be very thankful; but it must be Thai-style spicy seafood soup without additional spices..." (haha...blaja2 wat tomyam with no added spices ok??)
aiba : "...if we are to go dating, I'll most probably choose to exercise together, or watch a game of baseball or basketball.." (wow!!! is he a tough one to be with??? ermm..i dont think so i can...=p)
sadly mr super kawaii ~ sho has really nothing to say about the perfect girl...(cmna aku nk jadi perfect girl dia ni??)..well, this is the quote..
sho : "...the time when I listen to the music is very long, so it'll be great if the girl likes music too, we can even go a concert together..." (yes2 sho..i like listening to music too!!)
so...wanna read more??? check it out!!
song : Arashi - Still...
mood : ok2 la...
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
i think i need a new one...
hehe...since aku mem'blog' always posting about arashi kn kn kn?? initially, nk jadi kn blog ni utk share activity, personal matters dgn readers, skali yg aku post...all about stlh is BETTER if i create a new one yg really2 berkaitan dgn hidup aku (hopefully la....=p), aya-chan, im going to hv arashi's blog as well!!! hahah...daaa~
mood: sleepy
song: nyanyi dlm hati jer..lagu arashi - tomadoinagara
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
it is A.Ra.Shi again...gomen ne~
ok, this is another song includes in arashi's single - happiness...bleh thn enjoy!!!
song : Arashi - Still...
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Fill up a SURVEY plz...
td juz browse around forum aibakaland...accidentally trjmpa malaysia no arashi (is like community laa..) in, there's a request from Denise_Dinc, asking for filling up a survey:
"Please help to make Arashi's concert in Malaysia a reality!!!"
so..ape yg ditunggu lg?? isi2 cepat!! gambarimasu~~
edit on 11th jan:
please fill up the survey before 14th jan 2008,00.00HR (hawaii standard time), so quick2!!
mood: will the dream comes true???
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
im A.I.M.I.N.G for this!!!
walla!!! is there anyone who can help me for buying this DVD?? tolong2!!!
DVD Title: Arashi Around Asia + in Dome Special Package [2DVD+40P Live Photo Booklet]
Price: US$43.21 (ada lak yg aku jumpa US$47.90 estimate dlm US$50)
so...kalo MYR..dlm!!! bleh thn tuh...but so far, from the reviewer's is worth!! so tarak hal laa kan..hehe...
(alamak...gmba pixel lak..xpe yg pntg aku nk dvd nih!!)
p/s: aya-chan...mntk abg ko bli kn...i pass the money...tulun2!!
ros...abe mu dok g japan ko??
song : arashi - wish
mood : really desperate to this dvd..I WANNA HAVE IT!!!
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
Monday, January 7, 2008
ARASHI fever!!!
hehe..gila laa...sedar2 dh dekat 4bulan 'im in love' sgt2 dgn j-group nih...bleh tnya housemate ku..all da time, im only talking about arashi arashi arashi...but they are still there hearing those stories (i guess diorg pon dah muak kot..hehe)..hontou ni arigatou ne~~
ermmm...i really dont know when will i stop this 'desperate' thing laa..pernah gak terfikir...if im somehow someday get married to someone...will he accept me (i mean this hobby) and join me, accompany me in admiring this group?? haha...imposible imposible kan?? so disebabkn itu, as long as im still single skg is not a big deal laa kn??? nnt dh kawen..xde masanye nk layan mende2 cmnih..siyes!! so, if it happens like that...i will get marry ONLY if arashi come visit their fan and make a concert in Malaysia...haha!! may i??
song : arashi - kimi dake wo omotteru
mood : cant help from keeping in love with arashi...hehee..
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
Sunday, January 6, 2008
definitely she is my girl!!
nih gmba my LOVELY wani...yg baru usia 9bulan..
tp disebabkan rambut tk tumbuh2 lg...she is just looked like a boy kan??
so last week, i've been on holiday for almost her mom left her with me while she went for worked..and absolutely i've to take care of her meal, bath and so on laaa...selama 2minggu aku mengadap wani je bila dh blk blaja smula..i am kind of missing of those routine...(kan best kalo ada anak sendirik..=p)..haha..but the fact is now i really miss this girl!! muahhhhhh wani!!
song : arashi - hero
mood : lonely
Posted by
w a w a z u r a
Saturday, January 5, 2008 is sleeping..=)
Posted by
w a w a z u r a